DAHUA IPC-K46, Wifi problem


May 12, 2022

I have dahua IPC-K46. I restart camera to factory settings.

If i connect it with network cable. I can connect it to software in mobile phone or laptop.
Video work correctly.

But , if i want connect it with wifi, i must log to the camera with IP address from browser(chrome / edge / ie).
I found IP address in config tool. I can do any changes which config tool allow (same as another software).
But when i click on button web link (try to access to camera via IP addres), it return me 404, iam not able connect to camera and set up wifi.

Pls can abybody help me?
Submask is same like in laptop or mobile (everything work correctly except connection to camera and config wifi).
Ty fo any help and advice.
Sounds like your camera and computer are not on the same IP address range.
Both was on 192.168.1.XXX

This was first think what i try. I will check it tomorrow again and add more specific information.