Dahua NVR 5216, how to keep it logged out of admin?


Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
Owensboro, KY
I have searched the forum and have yet to find any answers but I have a client I been installing camera's for a client and I am puzzled or perhaps just stuck in a rut.

He has 16 camera's total on the NVR, recording 24/7 on the AMVETS property, he has a monitor that sits on the shelf above the bar the past few years for the bartenders to keep a eye on things while they are working. With one recently new installed camera, he does not want any of the bartenders to see it on the monitor as he is trying to figure out which bartender is pouring way too many extra shots of expensive whiskey to a customer and only charging the customer one shot of whiskey and that's it.

While I was pretty sure on knowing how to mask it, what I did was they have a bartender account on the NVR that the bartenders can log into in case they need to look back on footage like in the last few years, there was some incidents in the parking lot, a incident inside, etc and sometimes police need footage. In this case, I found the option to disable that camera for live and for searching playback on the camera and no problem.

However, here is where the problem is, if the bartender is logged into the NVR account, it times out/logs out of the bartender account after I believe 10 minutes and the camera shows back up on the monitor. When the NVR reboots weekly, or is turned off, it defaults to showing all 16 cameras as if he was logged into the admin account. I can't figure out how to keep the bartender account logged in 24/7, even if there is a power failure, a reboot or even after it logs out of it approximately 10 minutes.

Perhaps I am missing a setting somewhere or I am doing something wrong, looking to see if anyone knows any tricks?


Getting comfortable
Sep 2, 2022
Reaction score
South Dakota
I have searched the forum and have yet to find any answers but I have a client I been installing camera's for a client and I am puzzled or perhaps just stuck in a rut.

He has 16 camera's total on the NVR, recording 24/7 on the AMVETS property, he has a monitor that sits on the shelf above the bar the past few years for the bartenders to keep a eye on things while they are working. With one recently new installed camera, he does not want any of the bartenders to see it on the monitor as he is trying to figure out which bartender is pouring way too many extra shots of expensive whiskey to a customer and only charging the customer one shot of whiskey and that's it.

While I was pretty sure on knowing how to mask it, what I did was they have a bartender account on the NVR that the bartenders can log into in case they need to look back on footage like in the last few years, there was some incidents in the parking lot, a incident inside, etc and sometimes police need footage. In this case, I found the option to disable that camera for live and for searching playback on the camera and no problem.

However, here is where the problem is, if the bartender is logged into the NVR account, it times out/logs out of the bartender account after I believe 10 minutes and the camera shows back up on the monitor. When the NVR reboots weekly, or is turned off, it defaults to showing all 16 cameras as if he was logged into the admin account. I can't figure out how to keep the bartender account logged in 24/7, even if there is a power failure, a reboot or even after it logs out of it approximately 10 minutes.

Perhaps I am missing a setting somewhere or I am doing something wrong, looking to see if anyone knows any tricks?
in this screen click "Monitor Channels When Logged out" and select the cameras to view when everyone is logged out. By Default, all cameras are selected. On installs like these, I set the outside, inside common areas on Bar cameras because others don't need to see the cash register and back office cams, but I never have set up additional users before except admins on them.dfkjhdsckjsdkjsdkjhfsdkjf.jpg
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Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
Owensboro, KY
in this screen click "Monitor Channels When Logged out" and select the cameras to view when everyone is logged out. By Default, all cameras are selected. On installs like these, I set the outside, inside common areas on Bar cameras because others don't need to see the cash register and back office cams, but I never have set up additional users before except admins on them.View attachment 198287
I cannot believe I overlooked this option in the general setting. I will run by there tomorrow (Friday) and get this set up. I will report back if I have any other problems with this. Thank you for a prompt reply and answer!