Dahua starlight cameras; anyone notice a black screen when transitioning from B/W to color?


Pulling my weight
Jun 13, 2015
I've had my 49225TNI dome camera for 2 months now and really like it a lot but I'm seeing a sporadic but recurring issue where I notice a clip that is black but within 7-10 seconds it transitions to a full color clip.
Here are the particulars:
It *always* happens at night (between 2am-6:30am). It's a night issue basically; not a day time issue.
It is not rebooting; I checked the log each time.
It appars to happen when external light (security light nearby turns on momentarily)
In prior and subsequent clips, images are B&W (unless there is a temp bright light source)
I don't have auto reboot turned on (also as mentioned no reboots showing in log)
The POE+ unit is solid, it's on first port, priority power at the expense of other ports.
Cable run is high confidence good; just replaced a Hikvision PTZ with this camera and had no problems with that camera as it could relate to this issue.
The only common denominator appears this camera occasionally has an issue switching from a BW image to color, but not every time. There are some clips where it does it without a problem.
Firmware is current: 2.600.0000.2.R.R4.1217.3S.NR, Build Date: 2017-09-05

Wondering if anyone else is seeing something similar with another Dahua camera or if anyone has any ideas about a setting I can check. I will say that I also have a Hikvision PTZ that switches from BW to color with no problems and that leads me to think that something in the Dahua is wonky.

A 9mb clip of this issue is here: