Dahua/Unifi Comparison


Feb 15, 2021
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Hi all,

I am currently trying to decide between Unifi Protect and BlueIris.

Now I’ve read enough to know that technically speaking, BlueIris is the better choice. However, I’m fully invested in Unifi for networking, and although it has its problems you really can’t beat the polish/ease of use that comes with the Unifi UI. You just have to be ok with paying the Unifi tax.

The big sticking point for me, or should I say the wife, is how the iOS app looks/works. Secondarily, is the quality of non-Unifi cameras really that much better/cheaper(based on my reading it is).

What Id like to do is setup BlueIris on an old PC and do some comparison of Unifi cams Dahua. From what I’ve read I can enable rtsp on the Unifi cams and get the same video quality I would on the Unifi NVR, which is all I would like to compare. This will also give me a chance to test out the trial version of BlueIris, but I guess I will have to cough up the cash for the app.

Would someone mind giving me Dahua cam equivalents to the Unifi G4 and Unifi G4 Pro? They don’t need to be bullet style, just something equivalent spec wise.

Any help would be much appreciated!