db folder move

Dorsey Pender

Getting the hang of it
Sep 7, 2019
San Francisco
I am moving to a new server but before I do I wanted to move my db files to the c:\BlueIris\db folder from the e:\BlueIris\db folder. What is the best practice for this move?

I am installing it on a new computer. I will create the folder structure the way it is on the existing computer but I am using the Blue Iris.reg file to keep all the camera settings on the new computer. And I was storing the db files on the e:\Blue Iris\db drive but I don't have an extra drive on the new computer so I am just wondering when I pull in the Blue Iris.reg file and change the location of the db files, should I do a rebuild. I am not pulling over the video files.
I've never done this myself, so I should defer to other users who have first-hand experience.

Here's some things I'd do if I were contemplating doing this:
  • I'd export the reg file to a human-readable version. Go to the Settings > About tab, then hold down the shift key when you click the 'Export Settings' button. Then I'd verify it by trying to open the saved reg file in a text editor, like Notepad++... Many times I've used this file to avoid tedious restoration of a camera by using excerpts from it to batch restore settings -- by simply copy/pasting sections to a new temp.reg file and then double clicking it to import.
  • If you have any alerts that you've protected and definitely do not want to lose, it is imperative that they have an associated JPG file. When Blue Iris rebuilds the database it will use the Exif metadata in the JPG file to recreate the database entry. If your protected alerts do not currently have JPG files, I've created a Powershell utility for this bi_alert_protect.
I've been able to find only one reference to the database files in (My) Blue Iris registry.


So you should edit the exported reg file to change the highlighted setting.
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\clips --> REG_SZ key 'db'

Furthermore, you would be wise to search your reg file and look for any related entries. I just looked for strings like 'clips.dat' and '\db' - the key above is the only thing that I found.