Decoding capacity?..


Jan 11, 2022
Could you dumb this thing down for me please.
I instilled a bunch of NVRs and each time I was lucky it was working fine.
But this "decoding capacity" just won't allow me to sleep peacefully..

For example in the topic NVR decoding capability and live view OP was going to pick one of these but never mentioned which one worked out for him..
DS-7616NI-K2 (I assume this one wouldn't have worked since it has only 8ch decoding capacity?.. (even if bandwidth is right for 16?)

I just can't get this Hikvision way of calculating the amount of cameras I would be able to see on the screen simultaneously..
For example if I have DS-7732NI-I4(B) model with bandwidth 256/256Mb, 2 HDMI ports and it says decoding capacity is 16 channels.
Does it mean I would be able to see only 8 cameras on each screen? It makes no sense to me...