Detected HTML5 video player stall. Reopening video stream. (UI3)

Oct 31, 2022
Lower Alabama
I have a 14" tablet setup in our kitchen to view four cameras using UI3. It varies from every few seconds to every few minutes; a yellow box pops up (Detected HTML5 video player stall. Reopening video stream.), and the screen refreshes.

Any idea what might be causing it?

What browser are you using? Have you tried a different browser program to see if it works any better? What is your network configuration? Are you using wireless to watch UI3? Are the cameras also wireless? Perhaps you are causing congestion on your wireless network with too much traffic?
Have you tried changing the folllowing in UI3:
  • Go to 3 dots upper right corner
  • Select "UI Settings"
  • Go to "Video Player" => "H.264 Player" and from dropdown select "Javascript"
It's not choppy, just refreshing.

The tablet is wireless, but we have very little wireless use otherwise (phones) and an extremely robust network with better-than-average access points. Looking at my Omada Controller... the only thing connected to that AP were our phones which we were not using. As far as the overall network, not having any issues anywhere else with any other wired connections.

I'll try the Javascript setting... and also another browser if that doesn't help.
Everyone claims to have an extremely robust network :lmao:

Tablet in kitchen with a microwave nearby can cause issues...

Just keep in mind this is non-buffered video stream, which is different than a Netflix or other streaming services that buffer video, so it is much quicker to call out errors than when buffering of a movie and you may not notice it on other devices doing different things.

I can get this error when I am outside and start to get too far away and one tiny little spot in the basement under the ductwork near the furnace.

Hopefully changing the javscript or browser fixes it, but if not, then it is likely a networking issue somewhere.
I don't just claim it... I got it! I worked with a guy that has done it all his life. Is it the best... absolutely not! But it is considerably better than what most folks have in their homes. :)

It is wireless, and the max throughput I'm getting on this particular tablet is 72Mbit/s. I'm not sure how much of that is needed for four streaming cameras thru the network.

I believe the JavaScript setting fixed the issue. The camera video looks good, and it's no longer refreshing.
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Reactions: TonyR
i think there is a switch in UI3 to stop it from timing out.
The creator told me once, but i forget where it is.