I searched around for a while on the net and couldn't find a suitable wedge or shim kit for Hikvision's wifi video doorbell. The only reseller that had such a wedge was Clare but sold as their kit. I checked out the Ring Pro wedge kits but dimensions/holes were a bit off so headed down path to build my own.
I would've preferred having a custom 3D print made but I don't have such a printer. I had some leftover plastic composite shims from my last remodel and thought I would try using them as shims/wedges for my video doorbell. I had some wooden shims as well but wanted something sturdier so opted with plastic shims.
The plastic shims were only a 1/16" smaller in width on each side compares to outer shell of doorbell but length was more than adequate to trim down. My house siding angle required three shims to get right angle to get it perfectly plumb. You can create any angle you like by stacking more shims. I liquid nailed the cut down shims together, pre-drilled the holes for screws and wire and clamped them to cure overnight. I didn't like the brown color of the plastic shims so I spray painted them gloss black. Installed against siding with level and attached the video doorbell to the custom built wedge. It was fairly easy DIY project and met the WAF compared to my original idea of using a large octagonal 6" siding blocking mounts from Home Depot that would not blend in well with the small footprint of doorbell. Enjoy!
I would've preferred having a custom 3D print made but I don't have such a printer. I had some leftover plastic composite shims from my last remodel and thought I would try using them as shims/wedges for my video doorbell. I had some wooden shims as well but wanted something sturdier so opted with plastic shims.
The plastic shims were only a 1/16" smaller in width on each side compares to outer shell of doorbell but length was more than adequate to trim down. My house siding angle required three shims to get right angle to get it perfectly plumb. You can create any angle you like by stacking more shims. I liquid nailed the cut down shims together, pre-drilled the holes for screws and wire and clamped them to cure overnight. I didn't like the brown color of the plastic shims so I spray painted them gloss black. Installed against siding with level and attached the video doorbell to the custom built wedge. It was fairly easy DIY project and met the WAF compared to my original idea of using a large octagonal 6" siding blocking mounts from Home Depot that would not blend in well with the small footprint of doorbell. Enjoy!