DMSS w/Dahua DVR Video Clips - are thumbs an option?


Getting the hang of it
Aug 30, 2018
Chattanooga, TN
Dahua DVR has thumbnail images of triggering event, which is useful and exactly what I would expect.

However neither DMSS nor iDMSS Plus apps (iPhone) show thumbs, only a default placeholder image.
Has anyone found a mobile app that can/does show the thumbnails or even managed to get to them via API calls, etc.?

Thank you.jVLyZHASQKm_X3vZ0HRMtQ.jpg
If you setup correctly the DMSS application. It will show a snapshot of when an event is triggered for push notifications but not as intuitive as the NVR interface.
If you setup correctly the DMSS application. It will show a snapshot of when an event is triggered for push notifications but not as intuitive as the NVR interface.
So, specific to the app view - no thumbnails?
It appears the app was designed to include them given the use of a placeholder image.
I'd be curious to know is Blue Iris includes this.

Thank you.