Don't update firmware nvr 54xx-4ks2 to dahua 4.0


Nov 12, 2020
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Stick to version 3.2 and don't update your nvr54xx! there is a big risk of killing them and the dahua team is incompetent to fix it!
I lost two nvr dahua (bootloop) after updating my two nvr (nvr5464-4ks2 and another nvr5432-16-4ks2) I sent the nvr5464-4ks2 to the official distributor of dahua in tunisia (TUS) and they told me it's dead and it's not fixable! in addition they sent me out of service instead of bootloop! it's total incompetence! how come an official distributor of this so-called brand doesn't know how to reset their own equipment! and when there is a risk of updating why it offers it in the administrator interface! they do not know how to offer a product at the height of our century!
Normally the nvr54xx series is the high range of dahua! but I was wrong!
Dahua, I am going to fire her from my companies(I have more than 300 cameras in my different premises), this brand will never be installed in my premises again! I switch to hikvision or another brand if you know any other quality brand.

41 / 5000

Résultats de traduction
if you offer me another quality one
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