Doorbell IO alarm


Oct 8, 2014

I have an IP camera which has GPIO alarm port (4 pin). I am just wondering if I can connect to my doorbell and with it I can get an e-mail about the person who has pushed my doorbell. Unfortunately I didn't find any guide or specification about the GPIO port. I should now the specific pinouts, voltage, etc.
(My camera is Sricam AP002 but many of the others have the same connector.)
Do you have such kind of guide?
Thanks & regards,
Your doorbell is a regular hardwired one?

If thats the case its probably 24VAC, could be getting power from your heater/thermostat.. check it with am multimeter and verify before you start buying and wiring.

Basically what you'd have to do is install 24VAC relay inline to your doorbell, when someone presses the button the circuit is completed and the relay will close.. you wire the other side of the relay up to your cameras alarm input and the closing of the relay will complete the alarm circuit and trigger it to do wehatever..

this relay would work fine, proabibly want a relay base socket for it to go into:


Coil is power from door bell when energized..
Com will go to the alarm input ground
NO will go to the alarm input
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Dear nayr,

Thanks for the detailed answer!
Unfortunately my thermostat is not so close so I think I will solve it with a DC adaptor. Could You pls tell me which voltage should I use and specify the pins of my (4-pin) GPIO alarm port?
Thanks & regards,
your going to have to unwire your doorbell button and hook in a multimeter, if you dont have one.. you should, so get one.. You should figure out where its getting its power from and disconnect the doorbell while your working on it.. your heater has a 24VAC transformer on it, see if there is a pair of wires coming from your doorbell into that... its how my doorbell is wired and I suspect its pretty standard way of doing things. (unhook wires see if doorbell still works, if not you found em)

The multimeter will confirm to you the voltage and power, Its probably AC not DC.. Its never a good idea to work on electrical lines without verifying with a multimeter.

Looking at your camera it has 4 GPIO's, 2 out and 2 in.. your going to take both IN ports and hook one end to the COM and one end to the NO port on the relay.. dont matter which as long as the circuit is completed by the relay... Normally Open will become closed when you power the relay.

if your looking to tap in at the switch, leave the original wiring be and add another pair of wires to the switch going to your relay.. this way when the doorbell button is pushed it will ring your doorbell and trigger the relay (you should hear/feel the relay click when it gets power)
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