Doorbell to more than one smartphone?


May 30, 2020
Hi, first days of trying out doorbell Hiwatch 120 DB (guess similar to Hikvision DS-KB6003-WIP). I am using Anroid app Hilook (as it was redommended in a Youtube video).

I managed to get it to work (get the app to pop up and talk to the person in front of my door). What I have not managed yet and even do not know wheter or not even possible: I would like to have it to work(„ring“) on my wifes phone too. Installed Hilook there too and vide can be watched there too but the doorbell only calls my phone (only my app on my pgone reacts to someone ringing).

Do you know if it should/could work on two or more smartphones (whoever picks up first) and if so, how?

If not, would a workaround be to dedicate one sparate smartphone just to act as an intercom device for the doorbell?

Also, could ringing the bell not also work if not at home, so via Internet instead of local WiFi network too?

Personally i haven't had much to do with the Hi-Look/Hi-Watch range, however from the Data Sheet, I assume the DB-120-IW WiFi Doorbell would be almost identical to the Hikvision KB-6403-IW version.
My experience suggests, you will need to create an individual (app) account for each user/phone. The device will "bind" to the first users account, which the device is added to.
For the Door Bell to fully function between 2 mobile devices, you will need to "Share" the device with the 2nd User.

My experience is with Hik-Connect ............ the process should be similar with whatever app is used
Via Hik-Connect, This is done through the Management Tab of the App .................. look for Share My Device, from here there are a couple of different options to Share, such s Scanning a QR Code.

The 2nd User will be prompted for a "Verification Code". The Verification Code is linked to the App Account that the Device is BOUND TO. You would have/will set a verification code when Enabling Remote Access to the Device. For example, if you have an existing Device (NVR) listed in the Devices of your Mobile App, then you would have set up a Verification Code previously. In this Example, you can find your verification code by accessing the NVR Management Platform either via the console or browser ............ Navigate to Network > Advanced > Platform Access, the Verification Code will be listed on this page (may need to click show)

A couple of factors that may impede on success which you should be aware of:
1. Do Not put the Cover on the Door Bell before adding the device to your App. (you will need to scan the QR Code on the Door Bell & the Covers are a Pain in the Arse to remove if installed)
2. Ensure the Door Bell has the Latest FW installed
3. Ensure the Mobile Device OS is up to date
4. Download the Latest Mobile App Version from the Hikvision Website ............... DO NOT DOWNLOAD FROM PLAYSTORE OR iCRAP
5. I believe Sharing Devices across Regions (Country) is Not Permitted, so when installing the App, make sure Regions are Correct/Same
6. Take Note of your Mobile Device Permissions when Installing the App (rule of thumb - Allow) or you may experience "Push Notification" issues.
7. First User: When adding the Door Bell to the App, make sure your Mobile Device Wifi is connected to the Network which you intend the Door Bell to operate on (e.g. Home WiFi)

Good Luck
