Drop outs


Jul 24, 2021
I have been reading trying to find a solution to an issue unrelated to this post. But in reading I saw many posts where people had camera's of many kinds dropping out so I wanted to post this in hopes some might see it.

Distance and signal strength are not the only things that cause dropouts. There can be other devices on a network or neighbor's network that cause them. I ran into this more often than one would think working for the state in a large IT Help Center over the last 20 years until I retired recently. Today so many things use wireless. For example, most areas in the USA now rely on smart electric meters instead of meter readers. Not every meter that is a smart meter sends its signal to the utility company. Some have limited power and transmit to a master meter in the area which is like an access point. It then forwards the data to the utility company for other meters in the area over a much stronger signal. These stronger smart meters, other devices, and neighbors can interfere with your wireless devices especially when most routers come pre-configured with default channels. Antenna orientation on the routers can make a difference too - most wireless devices are configured for a vertical antenna. Do some research using your smart phone, laptop, etc., to see if you can determine what the strongest signals are near you and what channels they are on. Then reconfigure your router to use another channel. This is not to say that there is one channel better than all the others, or that tomorrow something won't get installed next door on the same channel you are using that overwhelms your devices. Other things can interfere. I have a garage door opener that will not work when my neighbor has his leaf blower out. It sends out so much spurious RF that it causes lots of problems. Another issue for example can be LED lights. Some send out lots of RF signals. If you put one in a garage door opener you will find that only a few are actually approved for that use because they send out lots of RF. So the moral is, try changing channels in your router to see if one channel works better. Keep an eye when certain LED lights nearby are on, or older florescents that are flickering are on. Those things can cause all sorts of issues with nearby devices. Good Luck.