DS-2CD2432F-IW 3MP - Simple Wifi Networking Question

Dec 16, 2018
Hello All. Long time lurker / first time poster.

My trusty ol' router crapped out so I installed a new one. It is an Edgerouter with TP Link Eap 225v3 accesspoint.

I am trying to get my DS-2CD2432F-IW 3MP to connect to wifi within my LAN so I can connect to TinyCam app and view through a web browser.

I have failed miserably to do so. My previous router had WPS functionality so I used that to connect wirelessly to the webcam. This new one does not so I am trying to connect via the wifi - WPA2 - password route.

I have tried both using DHCP and manually setting the IP and I cannot access the webcam at all. It connects to the wireless network just fine (link flashing as normal), shows up on the my AP client list as connected, but I cannot get any kind of stream out of it.

My router ip is:
My AP Ip is

My ubnt router as all the subnets available, but what happens is the ipcam gets assigned a ip address, it connects but I cannot access anything behind it. This is not a remote access issue as I only care to see it from within my LAN as it had worked for years before via WPS.

What setting am I overlooking? I tried changing the primary DNS lookup from to my default gateway of my router AND my access point ip address? Has anybody here had success setting this up as wirelessly with a standalone access point? Seems frustrating to me that this will only work wirelessly with a WPS standard.

Tried all the youtube video settings, but there is something on this camera that is preventing me from accessing it once it connects to my network. Firmware is updated to 5.3 and the camera works swimmingly when connected via ethernet.

Need this working for my baby monitor and do not want to have to buy another camera. EVERY other wireless client in the house (and I have a LOT) works perfectly so its not a router / access point issue.
dns wont matter, when you have it connected wirelessly do you see the camera show up in tje router via dhcp or static ip? The edge router should have an arp table if its static. Is for some reason there a guest wireless network that could be limiting communication between devices etc?

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Thanks for responding. It shows up in the lease table when I plug it in. I tried it as DHCP first, then I manually assigned it and matched the mac address in the static table. Both show up in my router table AND the wireless access point table but never both at the same time. The problem is that when I type in the IP address into my browser (chrome, edge, IE) it just hangs and I get no response. The link light is blinking on the camera and because it has been communicating with the router, I am certain there is a connection.

I just can't get any output from the camera to either a browser, tinycam, HIKvision batch updater software, SADP. I hooked up my old router and I get the same problem as in I cannot get through to the camera using wifi via SSID / password, but when I sync via WPS, everthing is 100% fine. The WPS is doing some kind of special handshake with the camera the Wifi SSID method is not doing automatically and I cannot figure it out.

I am certain there is some hidden "don't be stupid camera" check box in either the Hikvision camera settings or in the Edgerouter software that I am overlooking.

I am also using a non typical IP LAN address for my home network that I am certain is making this hard me for.

Router IP Address:
Access Point (wifi):

All how-to vidoes show TKIP encryption, so I am not sure if thats the problem? Any of you have AES working on your camera's?

I am also using a standalone access point, so I am not sure when I assign the static ip address, is the default gateway the routers ip address or the access point? I noticed that when I use ethernet the camera shows up on the router lease table, but when I do wifi it only shows on the access point. I wish I was smart enough to know how to force the AP to tell the router "this ip is cool" so let it work on both the access point AND the router tables.