Dsc 1864 slow response to zone closing?


Getting the hang of it
Jan 10, 2015
Central Florida
I installed an 1864 and once it was up and running, everything worked great.

Suddenly one zone is VERY slow to respond to the zone opening and closing.

Its a door using a recessed remote. I can open the door and for the most part it responds instantly. But more often than not when I close the door there is a several second delay before the system registers the contact closing.

I tried resetting the panel.

I tried just holding a magnet to the contact.

I still get the same thing.

Has anyone had this happen before?
No, wired contact, wood door.
In that case, I'd probably replace the recessed contact. You could always swap zones first to make sure it follows the contact not the zone.

You could check the state of [030] Fast Loop Response but I doubt it would make a difference (when on zones respond in 36ms, when off 400ms).

This isn't on a zone extender is it?
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In that case, I'd probably replace the recessed contact. You could always swap zones first to make sure it follows the contact not the zone.

You could check the state of [030] Fast Loop Response but I doubt it would make a difference (when on zones respond in 36ms, when off 400ms).

This isn't on a zone extender is it?

Yes, it is on a zone extender.
Yes, it is on a zone extender.
Same basic troubleshooting. Try swapping zones on the extender or connecting a switch/wire/paperclip instead of the zone wiring and sensor. See if it behaves any differently.

I'm inclined to think it might be an issue with the zone extender or more broadly your ecp/data bus. In the event that either a wiring fault is intermittently pulling down the bus or a very talkative device is making it hard for devices on the bus to communicate, you might see this sort of behavior.

It's always a good idea to start with powers and grounds when troubleshooting.

Did you recently add anything to the data bus or make changes to / update the firmware on something like an EVL-4?
Same basic troubleshooting. Try swapping zones on the extender or connecting a switch/wire/paperclip instead of the zone wiring and sensor. See if it behaves any differently.

I'm inclined to think it might be an issue with the zone extender or more broadly your ecp/data bus. In the event that either a wiring fault is intermittently pulling down the bus or a very talkative device is making it hard for devices on the bus to communicate, you might see this sort of behavior.

It's always a good idea to start with powers and grounds when troubleshooting.

Did you recently add anything to the data bus or make changes to / update the firmware on something like an EVL-4?
No changes. It just started having a delayed (more than 30 seconds) response.

I just replaced the contact end. The magnet still seems to work OK.

Appears to be working as it should though.