DSC 1864 - Wired glass break sensors always keep the zone open


Getting the hang of it
Jan 10, 2015
Central Florida
I installed a new DSC 1864 system in my house. Everything works great with a songle exemption.... the glass break detectors.

They constantly show an open zone.

I have a resistor at the detector and at the panel end, the 5.6ohm resistor shows.

Ive set the zone to a single EOL resistor.

But nothing I do lets the the close on these detectors.

Anyone have a similar experience?
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What model of glass break? Are you sure they're normally closed not normally open / that you used the right terminals?
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The AC-100. I originally installed the 500 series but had the same thing happen.

Im positive they are on the NC terminals.
I'd disconnect the zone wiring from the detector, leaving power connected and check resistance/continuity between the C and NC and the C and NO terminals to verify that they're in the open / closed state you expect. FWIW, the AC-100 has form A relays and the AC-103 has a form C relay. Also, if you cut power to the detector, the form A normally closed contact should open.

You should also connect the two zone wires together and verify the panel behaves as you'd expect. If not, the problem is in your wiring.

Is your EOLR in series or parallel?
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I will try that. The wiring is good, it has continuity and resistance. When I remove the power, it opens.

I tried connecting the wires and it does react as it should.

I have on e resistor on each glassbreak (there are 2 of them, and 2 wires)...each to their own zone, and both C contacts (with the resistor at the glassbreak) share the com on the panel between the zones.
I have on e resistor on each glassbreak (there are 2 of them, and 2 wires)...each to their own zone, and both C contacts (with the resistor at the glassbreak) share the com on the panel between the zones.
I'm thinking you may have your 5.6 K ohm EOLR installed in parallel with the zone and not in series.
It it were a normally open zone you'd want it in parallel.

You could also try no EOLR on that zone

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