Edit an existing memo?


Oct 24, 2020
I am triggering a camera externally via the http API, and supplying a memo in the url. If I retrigger the camera with an updated memo, the memo does not change. Is there any way to update a memo when retriggering? I'm running version
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I don't know the answer for sure. But from what I know about Blue Iris's clip database (where the memo is actually stored), it is probably not possible to edit memos once they have been written to the database file. Blue Iris doesn't use a true database engine, just some relatively primitive files, so it is very limited in its ability to go back and change things once written to disk. A variable-length field like a memo would be particularly hard to modify once it has been written to disk.
I cannot reproduce what you observe.

If I wait until the prior trigger completes, the new alert always gets the new memo.


My test HTTP interface command, where N=1,2,... on repeat commands
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After more testing I think I may understand what you are seeing...
If I send the retrigger command BEFORE the prior trigger completes, then the prior trigger terminates early, keeping the original memo.

To demonstrate, here's a screenshot after I sent 5 consecutive external trigger commands. Note that this created only 4 alerts

For the first 3, I waited until the trigger completed before retriggering with a new memo (note the '20 sec' durations).

For the 4th, I did not wait to send the 5th: /admin?camera=DW1&trigger&memo=my%20text5

Note that there is no 5th alert. Also that the duration is shorter for the 4th alert (8 sec), and the memo is unchanged,


Here's my Trigger tab settings

EDIT: For completeness, I thought I'd share the relevant entries in the logfile.
Note that there is no entry for the 5th command... 'my text5'

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Right, by “retrigger”, I mean sending another trigger while the previous trigger is still active. Odd, in my version of BI, a retrigger does not end my existing trigger. It just extends the existing trigger, as I expect, but the updated memo does not change.

I did see that change log that you had mentioned, which is why I was hoping it would be possible in a later version of Blue Iris.
Hmm, not ideal that I would have multiple alert list images, but I think I could make that work. I’ll play around with that later. Thanks for the suggestion!
FYI, playing around with it some more, I've noticed that if I add the "flagalert=-1" parameter, I can change a memo on a retrigger. If the camera is not already triggered, it changes the memo of the last alert.