Enabling/Disabling cameras when Blue Iris won't start


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Sometimes, Blue Iris crashes during startup due to a bad update. In order to determine if a particular camera or type of camera is the cause, it can be helpful to be able to enable and disable cameras while Blue Iris is not running. You could always do this by manually editing the registry, but that is a pain in the butt when you have a lot of cameras so I've built a small app to help.

It simply shows a list of your cameras, ordered the same as they are ordered in Blue Iris, with a checkbox next to each one to control whether the camera is enabled or not. Changes are saved to the registry immediately, but if Blue Iris is currently running, you'll have to restart Blue Iris to see the changes take effect.

This is only tested on Windows 10 64 bit, with 64 bit Blue Iris. I don't know if it will be able to find your cameras in the registry if you run 32 bit Blue Iris.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72769267/Blue Iris/BlueIrisCameraEnabler_v1.zip