EZVIZ cannot access account?


Apr 27, 2018
Weird problem ... I have the EZVIZ app installed on 2 iOS devices (and HikVision app on 1) to access my doorbell. They work fine. Went to add the app to another iOS device and it tells me that the account for that email id does not exist. Also tried to access my account on the webserver, but get the same error -- account does not exist. But, if I go into the app where it is working, select "Account Management" (by clicking on the person icon at the bottom, then the picture icon at the top), it shows an truncated version of my email. So, I'm thinking, maybe I entered it wrong the first time. Easy! click email/change email, it then sends a verification code to the exact email for which it tells me there is NO account? Also, on the HikVision app, it shows the email address without truncation to be what I entered, and that app works fine to also access my doorbell.

Any answer other than to reset the bugger and start all over?