How are you setting up the boxes? On playback is it capturing faces? I've tried setting it up but I don't see anything through the nvr. I'll try through camera this week.Jfire,
Not completely.
In Preview, I can see it track faces.
I haven't tried snaps or alarms yet.
If you look on playback there's a button of a persons silhouette on the right, I believe that will show all the face captures.JFire,
I'll check Wed.
From memory, playback wasn't real clear on tripwire/intrusion/face detect unless you watch playback in 1X mode. Which I don't do often, while bench testing my system setup.
More later
To see face captures you have to open on a single camera then you can click face icon. I don't think it will give ivs hits because face detection isn't in ivs category. FD is its own option and disables ivs if you turn it on.@JFire,
Thanks, I hadn't noticed the person silhoutte before.
In my case, it's greyed out. Even watching playback with faces, and FD enabled.
At the bottom of the playback screen, below the colored bars, is a legend:
Do you see orange in your timeline for a FD event?
I was seeing orange with tripwire and/or intrusion zone events.
It's not mounted. Just sitting on a windowsill.@JFire,
Mine might be too high, and the downward angle might exceed 30 degrees.
Your might be too high! The manual said "0 to 30 degrees". Which caught my attention. Why not say + 15 degrees?
So the cam is looking at the horizon, or downwards by as much as 30 degrees.
You might try to raise your camera. Or knock the boys down!