It's been a really long time since this topic came up for me. All I can say is the entire idea and concept is like any junk science that seems to pervade the world today. So today we have junk math that serves absolutely no practical application that can benefit man kind.
If the people simply accepted this was a childish game and nothing else - great.
But, you literally have so called smart people wasting oxygen on something that is just stupid. This is akin to people who think its fun to dart in front of a fast moving object to see if they can avoid being hit?!? Anytime such video's come up I just laugh and yell out - should have killed them twice!
The video however was great to watch as it explained the entire concept and the ultimate failures of the same.
I saw that pop up on veritasium, but I didn't click on it.....Math above geomtery is my weak school subject. I get lost in his videos but I keep watching, to see if the common man can learn something interesting.