FI9805P seems dead. Can I revive it?

Apr 22, 2015
Thornton, NH
Roughly eight yr old camera has been flawless, now dead. No signal, no connection. No lights on the thing so can’t see it’s getting power but confident it’s plugged into a good outlet. What should I check? Anyway to revive it.?
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It is either dead or corrosion over time on the connection.

Try a short premade cable and check the connector and clean it for any corrosion that may be there, even if not visible.
I had a Foscam similar to that one that ran 3 years then died turned out to be the DC wall wart. That's an easy thing to try if you have a spare or can borrow one that fits physically AND electrically.

NOTE: Most cams with that size coaxial power plug are 12VDC but BE CAREFUL...some early Foscams can be 5VDC. Specs for volts & amps should be printed on the power supply. If you end up buying another one insure it's UL-listed.

Generally, most non-POE powered cams with coaxial power plugs conform to this and prevent damage by sizing the connector and pin:
  • 5 volt DC cam connector: 3.5mm outside x 1.35mm inside
  • 12 volt DC cam connector: 5.5mm outside x 2.1mm inside
It seems most indoor cams these days that run on 5VDC are using micro-USB connectors to help prevent over-voltage damage from the wrong power supply.

EDIT 9/22 0716 CT: Specs here say it's 12VDC @ 1 Amp, which is very common.
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