Finally snatched the motion sensor off the wall.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2014
North Florida
From what I see in this guy's post:

This seems pretty simple, power and ground to the motion sensor, and then central output relay and the normally closed relay going to the two connections on the camera and then select "trigger using camera's digital input or motion" and I should be good to go.

Yup, that's all it is. BTW, that looks like a DSC bravo 3 motion. You could probably buy one for around 5 bucks these days, lol.
Yup, that's all it is. BTW, that looks like a DSC bravo 3 motion. You could probably buy one for around 5 bucks these days, lol.

Yes, this is from the house I am renting, and moving out of in about 3 months, the previous owner had ADT install a control panel, this motion sensor, AND NOTHING ELSE, what the heck man. I realize the sensor probably sucks, but it's free, and it's something to play with, I could always go with one of those $120 crow sensors, what ones do you like?

EDIT: I just noticed it says 1998 on it, Jesus, I hope it still works. :)
It should work just fine, those little guys worked pretty good. They're not dual tech technology or anything crazy, but at least try it out and see what happens.
It should work just fine, those little guys worked pretty good. They're not dual tech technology or anything crazy, but at least try it out and see what happens.

It says 12 volts, I can't imagine it needs much amps, what do you think is on the safe side, round 500mA or so?