Fisheye vs standard


Jul 7, 2021

We have a big warehouse -> 170 feet wide and 460 feet long. I would like to place some camera's to view back if anything occurs that's not OK. First off I was thinking some 'standard' cameras on both sides of the warehouse, one every +/- 90 feet. I draw it out and it covers everything and need +/- 10 cams. On the other hand, saw some nice videos of the fisheye cams that can be dewarped to 'normal' views, covering everything. Problem is, warehouse is 28 feet tall so how much detail will I still get with a fisheye cam on that height? And will probably need 4 of them to cover the complete 460 feet without loosing all detail so might stick with the 'standard' cams on both sides of the warehouse?

PS: Also saw that the light performance is not that great with a fisheye cam and IR only goes 15m so that makes them bad at night I guess?