Foscam FI8919W Firmware Update - March 26, 2014


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
New York
There is new firmware for the Foscam FI8919W Camera. The latest available firmware addresses the following issues and enhancements:

1. Fixed a bug where patrol speed would be displayed incorrectly after being set;
2. Fixed a bug where some parameters would not save if firmware was downgraded to .54 version.
Note: After upgrading to this latest version, you cannot downgrade to previous versions.

The procedure for upgrading to the latest version is as follows

  1. Firstly determine which firmware version currently exists on your FI8919W by checking under Settings > Device Status. You are looking for the "Device Firmware Version"
  2. If you have Device Firmware Version 11.37.2.xx, you can proceed to download and install the latest version here.
  3. Please follow carefully the instructions contained in "How to upgrade firmware for MJPG outdoor PT camera.pdf" included in each download. Failure to install the firmware correctly could result in bricking your camera. If you are unsure on how to proceed, please stop immediately and post on the forum.