Foscam FI9831W Firmware Update - March 24, 2014


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
New York
For the Foscam FI9831W 960p PT Indoor Wireless IP Camera, the latest available firmware addresses the following issues and enhancements:
New features:

  1. Now supports hidden SSIDs;
  2. Now supports including the privacy area on snapshots;
  3. Now supports revising the video settings for sub stream;
  4. Now supports scheduled recordings on sub stream;
  5. Now supports turning the IR LEDs on or off on a scheduled time;
  6. Now supports customizing cruise loops;
  7. Now supports configuring stationary time at each preset during a cruise track;

1. Enhanced security when utilizing CGI commands to take snapshots;
2. Enhanced the SD card storage features;
3. Enhanced the ONVIF feature;
4. Fixed the 'no-beeping' sound on PC when the alarm was triggered if accessing on IE for Windows XP;
5. Fixed the snapshot bug not working properly when resolution was set to 960p;
6. Added some adjustments to the Web UI.

Note: After upgrading to this latest version, you cannot downgrade to previous versions.
The procedure for upgrading to the latest version is as follows

  1. Firstly determine which firmware version currently exists on your FI9831W by checking under Settings > Device Status. You are looking for the "App Firmware Version"
  2. If you have App Firmware Version or above, proceed to download and install the latest version here.
  3. If you have App Firmware Version or lower, first upgrade to here and then to the latest version here.
  4. Please follow carefully the instructions contained in "Upgrade Guidance for FI9831W.pdf" included in each download. Failure to install the firmware correctly could result in bricking your camera. If you are unsure on how to proceed, please stop immediately and contact us.
  5. Note that for HD cameras there is an extra "transitional firmware" step when sometimes updating firmware. Again, please remember to read the PDF guide included in the firmware ZIP file carefully before updating your firmware.