Both commands have been tested and work with a V5EP camera.
These commands are not included in any publicly available Foscam docmentation. Foscam is actually requiring a developer SDK application and non-disclosure agreement be filled out before providing them.
Control Siren:
http://IP address:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setSirenConfig&sirenEnable=1&sirenvolume=0&reserved=0&usr=xxx&pwd=xxxx
Enable = 1 is enable and enable = 0 is disable
Control light:
http://IP address:port/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setWhiteLightBrightness&enable=1&brightness=100&lightinterval=60&usr=xxx&pwd=xxx
Enable = 1 is enable and enable = 0 is disable
These commands are not included in any publicly available Foscam docmentation. Foscam is actually requiring a developer SDK application and non-disclosure agreement be filled out before providing them.
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