Fried Ethernet / POE connection (water damage, but camera is booting)


Oct 31, 2023
Hi All,

Currently I am experimenting with a couple of my old Foscam FI9853EP cameras. One of them got damaged because of water in the POE / Ethernet connector. I fixed the water issue and replaced the camera, but now I am trying to figure out if the camera is really not usable anymore or if it can be repaired.

I have tried to connect it to another power cable that I have from another camera of the same type. After connecting the serial cable to it and booting it using POE it started booting. So it looks like the camera is still working. Also the infrared senor is going on and off if I cover the camera. So it looks like it is working.
The only thing is that I do not get a ethernet connection anymore. The serial output of the camera gives me messages as:
  • ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device"
  • ra0 no private ioctls
It looks like the ethernet controller is damaged, but I am wondering if that is the case and if it is possible to fix that.

The board of the camera looks like this:

Thanks in advance,

I agree, it sounds like the network adapter has failed. Fixing it would likely require identifying the malfunctioning components on the board (which is no small task for someone without loads of experience) and de-soldering them and replacing with new. All to repair a camera that would be outperformed by basically anything new sold today.
Yeah, the camera is quite old. Investing money or a lot of time in it will be a waste of money and resources.

Against all knowledge I was hoping for a easy / quick fix.

Anyways, thanks for the quick answer!