Full recording speed from all cameras at once or throttled? Analog HD system


Getting the hang of it
Jul 10, 2015
It would defeat the purpose of having a security camera setup if this were not true but I have to ask.

In an analog HD system, is there full frame rate recording from all the channels at once? Or will the recording reduce frame rate based on the number of active channels being recorded simultaneously?

Reason I ask is looking at specs on DVR's, the playback frame rate appears to depend on the resolution of the cameras and the total number. I don't necessarily see a spec on the recording frames per second and whether that has a maximum.

How would I read these specs? They're under the playback section.

Qsee QC958

  • Resolutions: 720P (1280x720) at 15 FPS per channel 60FPS total, 960H (960x480) at 30 FPS per channel 240 FPS total, D1 (704x480) at 30 FPS per channel 240 FPS total

Is recording 15 FPS on all channels but just playback on the screen maxes out at 60 ?

Thanks for your help.
It is unclear from the specs whether that is just for viewing on the DVR, or whether the recordings are also frame rate limited. But if it is anything like the old junker DVRs I used years ago it will affect the recording especially. My old DVR had buttery smooth live video, and recordings were limited to around 7 fps for each of 4 cams at D1 resolution. Likewise, remote viewing was low frame rate.

The good news is, 15 FPS is not bad at all compared to 30 FPS.