Fun with Dahua MetaData and a non-AI NVR


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I have an older (2018 or so) 5216-16P-4K2SE NVR that has no onboard AI but DOES have the ability to interact with cameras that do.

So I recently began playing with my Dahua HFW5442E-Z4E (Same as EmpireTech part# B54IR-Z4E-S3) and MetaData

I get 4 detection types and the results are mixed. Sometimes it surprises me how accurate it is with a very small zoomed in window of opportunity to capture and categorize, other times it makes you snort coffee through your nose :lmao:. Anyway, its kinda cool so I thought I'd share

OSD stats of the 3 basic types (Face Detection is also enabled through a filter on Human Detection, so if it can grab a good face shot, it categorizes it in both places)

And the NVR database under 'AI-Search"
Sometimes it calls Golf Carts Motor Vehicles, and sometimes Non-Motor Vehicle
Meta-AI-MotorVehicle.jpg Meta-AI-NON-MotorVehicle.jpg Meta-AI-HumanDetect.jpg Meta-AI-FaceDetect.jpg

No luck with license plates yet, likely do to the bad angle.
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