Gmail setup using Google 2-Step Varification


Aug 14, 2014
Gmail setup using Google 2-Step Verification

Reading through many different forums I found a lot of suggestions regarding disabling 2-step verification in you Gmail account to get this to work. ). You don't have to lower your email security by disabling 2-step verification.

I also found there was a way to use 2-step verification on my camera (should work on any device). I used a different Gmail account setup just for my cameras let’s call it (Camera).

I was trying to setup my (Camera) Gmail account on my DS-2CD2132-I using the following settings:

Sender: (Name on account) / or in this instance (Camera) / or anything you would like to call it.
Sender's Address:
SMTP Server:
SMTP Port: 465
Enable SSL: Checked
Interval: 2s
Attached Image: Checked
Authentication: Checked
User Name:
Password: Before / your Gmail password / After (the app password you generate below)
Confirm: Before / your Gmail password / After (the app password you generate below)
Receiver1: (Can be same account (Camera) / I used a different account)
Receiver's Address:

The next morning I got an email from Google telling me there was suspicious activity on my Camera account with a link to my account telling me someone had logged into my account. Clicking the link I found it was coming from my IP address telling me it has been blocked. After straightening everything out verifying it was me I proceeded as follows.

You can set up an app specific password by singing into your Gmail account and going to: /Account settings/Singing in/app passwords.

At this screen click select device/Other (Custom name) You will need to setup one for each camera so give it a specific name (to keep it simple I use the name of the cameras example: Ft-Door/Bk-Door) etc… After entering your chosen name click generate. You will be presented with: Your app password for your device in the xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx format. Note: (if you paste this into note pad it shows up as 16 characters xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). This is the password you use in the above example under settings instead of your regular Gmail password.

From Google: App passwords allow 2-Step Verification users to access their Google Accounts through apps such as Mail on an iPhone or Mac, or Outlook. We'll generate the app passwords for you, and you won't need to remember them.

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