greetings from Oklahoma City


Feb 20, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Forum FNG of the day.

I've had a cheap D-Link 930L (0.3MP) ip-cam for years and only used it on occasion. Lately, I noticed people using my short driveway/garage apron as a public U-turn facility and walking through my property to access the neighborhood playground. The last straw was an incident where I woke up one weekend morning and my brick-enclosed mailbox had been tipped on its side, resting on the sidewalk. Neighbors... I thought people were supposed to respect one another and their property, but apparently not all are taught these things.

I propped my old D-Link in my front window and started looking for software. A live feed is fine, but if you want evidence that will stand up in court, you need it on video or a still shot. That's when my search came up with Blue Iris from a recommendation in a forum- probably this one - thank you!

Since then, I discovered the magic of Power Over Ethernet (POE) and the installation flexibility it can provide and added a Foscam 1MP 4mm fixed cam attached to the front corner of my garage, looking out over my driveway. There is no comparison of the picture quality between the two. The old D-Link might as well be a WiFi-powered potato. With respect to power consumption, I switched from running BlueIris on my desktop to a low-power laptop that runs Windows10. I upgraded it to Win10Pro so I could log in remotely to manage it and it works great. The BlueIris remote view feature is a great feature that lets any computer on the network view any of the cam feeds and alerts- no need to install BlueIris software.
