Hammering cable clips into brick ?


Young grasshopper
Aug 4, 2014
Is there any trick to hammering cable clips into a brick wall as I seem to end up with loads of ruined nails.

I'm assuming its going to be easier to hammer into the mortar between the brick but I seem to be left with a hole chipped out rather than the nail stuck in the wall :D
Even using the stronger masonry cable clips with the thicker nails, it has not worked for me. Not sure what mortar one can nail into. I've been forced to use small anchors and screws to fasten wire clips. Time consuming unfortunately.
yeah anchors are really the only way to do it right, unfortunately the expencive bits dont last long when drilling out brick.. go slow and dont use too much force or the bit will die before the job is done.
Securing anchors to the moartar wont holdup over time.. you want to secure it to the actual brick, centerish away from the edges.

any kind of ramset nailer will probably break the brick
This may be a little late but, I would avoid hammering into brick. The mortar is typically stronger than the brick itself. Tapcon bolts would be a better choice - they can be found in home centers and will usually include a drill bit in the packaging. Hope this helps.