Has anyone purchased off SS-Inter ? (Ebay Australia.)


Pulling my weight
Feb 5, 2017
I guess the title says it all - there's a seller on Ebay Australia called SS-Inter and they sell security cameras/ NVR's etc. I was wondering if anyone has purchased off them?

I'm looking at a Hikvision NVR and their prices are good- but not the cheapest. The cheaper options all have negative feedback and this place has 100% positive for close to 400 sales. Security measure

I've sent some questions regarding region locking / firmware updating etc. and they appear to be Chinese sellers. So I'm guessing it will ship from China, even though they claim to have a warehouse interstate. They do have "Tech Support", but not sure how good they would be, say if I locked myself out of the NVR.... Then again, if it's not region locked, that probably won't happen. (Another reason I don't want to pay a premium for a genuine Australian Hik NVR- they're region locked to Australian release firmware and the updates are dismally slow.)

I've had a reply that they use the English Global site firmware, and from the way they responded there's no region locking.
I've gone ahead and purchased the NVR off them. They've been very good responding to questions and gave me a discount. All up the price is on par with the prices on AliExpress - once freight and 10% GST is added on.
Just in case anyone else ever searches- the transaction went well. The NVR was sent from NSW (not China) and arrived in about 3 business days.

The only potential issue- it was sent in the original box wrapped in black plastic. Along the way, the box suffered some damage (thanks Australia Post!) With the corners crushed a bit and a hole in the box. Luckily, there was no damage to the NVR.

It's working fine. I just need to set it up properly- requiring me to work out my way around in the new unfamiliar version of NVR firmware.
More info - the NVR firmware upgraded fine, using firmware from www.hikvision.com website. That's a big improvement over my last NVR purchased from an Australian Hikvision retailer's store- that was region locked to only using firmware from Hikvision Australia. Using overseas firmware would brick it.