
Nov 14, 2015
Reaction score
Kil, Sweden
Hi there,

Originally from Belgium, but currently living in Sweden (almost 11 months now).
Next month we (my wife and I) will be going back to Belgium for a 2 week holiday, to spend Christmas and New Year with family and friends over there.
The house we currently live in, is situated in a very rural area. Lots of forest around the house and almost no neighbours.
It's nice and quiet. A big change to living in busy and crowded Belgium :D

Luckily we haven't had any unwanted guests in the house... accept for some mosquitos, a mouse in the kitchen and some small deers that were checking out the garden ;)
And Sweden is, as far as I know, a pretty safe country to live in... However, there are of course burglars around here as well (sadly enough).
And houses like ours (remote, in a forest, almost no neighbours,...) are ideal for them as they can snoop around almost unnoticed.

So, I was thinking about making the house a bit safer... and one of the things I got interested in, was IP camera's.
Unfortunately I don't know that much about it. I do know something about computers, but networks, port forwarding and all that stuff, just isn't my thing.
Added to that, the amount of that our out there is huge... that makes picking one out even harder.
Googling around, in the hope to find some answers, I stumbled upon this forum.
Looks realy great and seems to have a lot of info!


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
Reaction score
Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you will find answers from helpful people on this forum.