This is a manual, not motorized vari-focal dome camera. Not sure if this is normal or not--need help/advice to get the best picture. First photos show day, night and night with IR where camera was focused half way between deck and fence. Camera is at widest (2.8mm) setting. Daytime photo is not too bad, but not completely focused as you can see by blurring at the edges of the deck chairs and railing. Night photos with and without IR really exacerbates the focus problems--the IR really washing out the deck rail. This focus setup really bugged me so I changed the focus to fine-tune deck details.
I'm happy with the capture of the deck and areas near the deck in all conditions (day, night and night with IR)--after all, close-up details of an intruder outweigh distant details of an intruder. What I don't like is how out of focus the picture is just beyond the tree. I'll admit, I enjoy capturing details of the occasional passing deer, but now I'll not get the same clarity. So my question is whether or not I'm stuck with a "one or the other" setting, or is there a way to get the entire picture into focus? I have toyed with the focal settings several times, but it's not a very easy process.