Just for an education - which noise reduction should not be above 42 2d,3d or both. Is this a general rule for all cameras or just this particular situation?
Noise Reduction is used to take out the "speckles" or dots you see dancing around in lower light settings.
But the higher the NR, the more blur that happens with motion.
And what happens is too many people run NR too high because they are only considering the static image they are looking at when they are adjusting settings.
In theory, 2D is for the static not in motion parts of the image, and 3D is for the objects in motion.
So in theory, you could run 2D a lot higher and 3D lower, but in reality, that just causes issues with a "halo" effect around the motion.
So I start every camera with the settings for 2D and 3D the same. Then I will try the 2D higher and see what happens.
My Z12E-S3 is the only one that I can run a higher 2D on. All my other cameras they work best with the numbers the same.
My PTZs I run a lower NR because when the camera is tracking, a higher NR can really bring out the blur.
While I love the look of a higher NR static image without all the dancing specs, it is hard to get clean captures that way of an object in motion, so I probably run NR a little lower than most people would. I figure I can always denoise an image after the fact easier than you can detail a blur after the fact.