Help with macros please


Jul 21, 2022
Hello all - can someone please help me with the following:

CAM 1 - I am using this cam to trigger alerts. on alert I have the following. Basically I am attaching image from Cam2 in the the alert.



In the body I want the link to cam2 rather than can i make this work? I have tried "&cam=doorbell" but this still goes to cam1?
In the body I want the link to cam2 rather than can i make this work? I have tried "&cam=doorbell" but this still goes to cam1?

My testing suggests that when you use the rec= with UI3, it overrides the additional cam= argument you've inserted.

I think this is the reason why... the value of the @ALERT_DB macro used in the rec= argument points to the Blue Iris database alert record for the triggered camera. UI3 gets this camera's shortname from the database, then automatically adds/replaces the cam= argument.

if you really want to create a link to the 2nd camera, then simply remove the rec=&ALERT_DB& portion of the Action's 'Body' string. However, understand that this will open UI3 on a live view of the camera. If your goal is to play the 2nd camera's clip at the same clock time as the first camera's alert, then I'm not sure there is way to do this. If the 2nd camera is also triggering, then the simple solution is to create a Email action for it.

I've tagged @bp2008 so he can correct this speculation if incorrect.

A thought, if there's not already a way to to this, maybe he can add a new URL argument to play the most recent alert for a camera, like UI3.htm?latestalert=shortname
Of course, this will not help you if the 2nd camera is not also triggering.
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The cam= argument tells UI3 which camera you want to have selected/active, but the rec= argument tells it to load a clip (which may be from a different camera of course). While the clip is open, UI3's address bar includes the name of the camera which is represented in the clip. When you close the clip, UI3 should go back to the live view of the camera you had specified in the URL originally, because that is still selected as the active camera in UI3.

There is currently no URL parameter to instruct UI3 to open the latest clip/alert, HOWEVER there does exist a setting in UI Settings > Clips / Alerts called "Automatically Open a Recording" which you could enable along with specifying URL parameters to activate a particular camera and a particular database view on the Clips tab.
