High CPU Load and almost no GPU Load


Dec 7, 2022

currently I'm running BI on a i7-8700 CPU. The Machine has 56GB of RAM and a GTX 1050Ti as GPU. The system currently handles 32 Cameras. But most of them have a low resolution (because of bandwidth limitations). Currently I'm facing a problem with high CPU load. BI (and the Windows Task Manager) shows me, that the CPU is running often close to 100%. And most of it is caused by BI (BI Service). This value goes down, when I have less clients connected, who are watching the feed. Currently 4-5 Clients are displaying the overview with all cameras. When no client is connected, the load goes back to about 30-40%. So it's the Client part, that is causing trouble.

When I look into the Task Manager, I see, that the GPU is used in 20%. I use it for AI confirmation of movement. In BI I see, that the CPU is used in a lower percentage. 2-4%. In BI I have Hardware Accelerated decode everywhere set to NVidia NVDEC.

For me, it looks like that the Stream I see in the Browser and the Quality Setting isn't handled by the GPU but by the CPU. Can it be the problem? If yes, how I can check it and resolve it?