HIKVision alarms, how do you use them?

Robert G.

Getting comfortable
Oct 6, 2018
North America
A lot of camera's and NVR have alarm in & alarm out.

I've never used them but would like to.

I know you could use them to trigger lights (not actually sure how).

What else can be done with them? Is there any way to connect an alarm output to some type of home automation?
For home automation systems that support Z-Wave, I've seen where some folks connect the camera alarm wires into a Z-Wave sensor that supports dry-contacts:

Then whenever their camera sends an alarm signal, their HA system picks it up and does whatever with it (turn on lights, make a beep sound, whatever).

Personally, I use Blue Iris instead of a NVR appliance. BI is able to communicate with most home automation systems over the network. It's also able to monitor the cameras for alarm situations on its own, so you don't need to buy camera models that support alarm out in order to trigger your HA system.
Quite a few things that you can use them for such as external PIR's or active infra red beams. Set a schedule and have it push the alarm to your phone - I use these as they are infinitely more reliable than camera generated motion or line crossing alarms. I have the NVR alarm output connected to an override on my security lighting system. If I'm connecting remotely using IVMS 4500 or Hik Connect, triggering the output floodlights the house.