Hikvision choice for 180 FoV


Mar 1, 2025
Hello guys,

I am still new to the security cameras area, but I strive to read and educate myself more and more.

I am now in the process of setting up a surveillance solution for myself. The goal is to build a home-made solution for a car parking that has the following parameters:
  • located in an urban area with a medium level of illumination during night.
  • the parking size is around 20x20 meters.
  • The parking area starts at about 3m. away from the camera's location and ends at around 23m. away from the camera.
  • I have decided to go for a 4MP cameras as they are like 5% more expensive than the 2MP but the image quality appears to be better according to this video:

(I know that the cameras in this videos vary from the ones I've chosen below, however it is still some example)

I have decided to go with Hikvision as they provide the best quality in my country. It'd be good if I have an AcuSense as it will make the searching in the records a lot easier in case of an accident. I have a dilemma between 2 models, both with Darkfighter technology. I am not pretty sure whether the ColorVu worth it though.

The first solution would be 1 camera with a 180-degree FoV:


And the second solution would be 2 cameras:


Solution 2 (the 2 cameras option) would be roughly 50% more expensive as the single 180-degree camera is cheaper than 2 normal ones. Both the 180-degree and the normal cameras appear to have similar sensors but I am not sure which solution should I choose. I'd be grateful to hear your opinions.
They are likely both the wrong choice.

The 180 cameras make great overview cameras, but poor IDENTIFY cameras.

The 2nd camera is on a 1/3" sensor which is designed for 720p.

The correct camera for 3m is one camera and a different camera for 23m

One camera cannot be the be all, see all, do all. You need the correct focal length for the distance you are looking for.

As far as cameras, without knowing what your goals of the camera is, this thread is used as the go to for the new person here outlining the commonly recommended cameras (along with Amazon links) based on distance to IDENTIFY that represent the overall best value/best bang for the buck in terms of price and performance day and night. It might be a 2MP camera in some instances.

The Importance of Focal Length over MP in camera selection

And coupled with that thread is this great thread which will show why all of the same 2.8 or 3.6mm cameras is the wrong choice:


We would encourage you to look at those threads in detail.

It will probably raise more questions than answers LOL.
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