HikVision DS-2CD2032-I


Pulling my weight
Sep 8, 2015
I'm navigating the Amazon minefield on this camera model and I'm assuming that unless it states U.S Retail version it's going to be the generic brown box Chinese version. Is it worth spending the extra $50 for the official retail version. Are there any compatibility issues the recording on a HIKvision 7806 NVR? What are the pitfalls of the Chinese version?
Not worth the extra money in my opinion.

You can't upgrade the firmware but if you are plugging it into a 7608 (typo by you I think) then there's no real need to.

Is your 7608 a Chinese version or not?
Yes, that was a typo. I bought the HikVision 7608 from Nelly's so it's a US version. I bought 2 retail cams today from Amazon and will try out a Chinese version. Thanks for the feedback.
Well %$%&! I ordered (2) DS-2CD2032-I that specifically said U.S Retail box. I wanted to have warranty and the ability to upgrade firmware without a hassle. Then after reading Del Boy's comment I thought I would take a chance and buy one on Amazon for $99 fully expecting it to be the Chinese version. Got it today and it was in the retail box. Still waiting on the first (2) I ordered which I ordered the day before. Oh well.. I could have saved $70.
$99 is expensive for Chinese version. I got mine for $72. Let us know how they work out for you though.
You didn't get it on Amazon then. $89 is as low as I've seen them on Amazon. I could have gone the AliExpress route but I like being able to return an item with a few clicks of a button. Free 2 day shipping is nice too.
No, eBay actually. Guys on here recommended eBay and Im glad I did because I got the 6 month Paypal protection which is better than AliExpress. I looked at Amazon and couldn't justify the extra $20-30 for the same camera just to get it within 2 days. Especially since i got 16 cameras. Good luck though, they are great cameras.
Still... saved $70, so happy days!

Colour box doesn't guarantee International version. Check serial number before doing anything stupid (like updating the firmware!).
How do you tell? I read something that said the Chinese version has CH in the serial and international has WR. My serial number has only numbers. Instructions are all in English.
install sadp and find the serial number from there.


If I had the Chinese version it would be CH instead of WR right?

Thanks for the help!
WR = Western Region aka International aka English Model aka UK Model aka US Retail Model#

Great price for one of those, we get ripped off in the UK :-(