Hikvision Smart even change preview record time?


Young grasshopper
Oct 1, 2019
Reaction score
United Kingdom
When I receive notifications top right of my NVR I get told "Line crossing ect" when I click play it will show me a preview but starts like 1+ mins before the actual line crossing is there any way to change this so it shows me 5 seconds before and 5 seconds after?

Hello, quick question with my Hikvision NVR and Smart even preview.

I receive notifications that an alarm has happened on my cameras such as "Line crossing" ect when I click play to show the "Line crossing" the footage starts 1+ mins before the actual "line crossing" is there any way to change to preview 5 seconds before the "line crossing" and end 5 seconds after?

When I click preview sometimes the clips are up to 18+ mins long for a 3-second event on-screen am not too sure which settings I have wrong.

If the "Time to alarm is 20:13:30" I would like to be able to click play and it starts 20:13:25 like 5 seconds before the event happens hopefully that makes sense.


Thanks for reading.