Hisilicon HI3518E


Sep 11, 2015
Has anyone got any info on the HI3518E? I am struggling to get the IR Cut filter working. I can hear it working when it starts up but it doesn't switch over in low light and I can't work out how to manually engage the IR cut filter.

Does anyone have access to firmware newer than 'V7.'? That is the version on my camera, I'm hoping there is a new version that'll fix my IR cut filter issue. Unfortunately Hisilicon won't speak to me, the eBay seller I bought the camera off has not responded and I'm still waiting to hear back from a few sites which also sell this camera.

I am waiting on a USB TTL serial adapter that I ordered to hopefully enable telnet access to the camera and look into why the IR cut filter doesn't work.

I am under the impression it is the same core as quite a number of other IP cameras namely 'Univivi U611W', and 'TOP-201 Super Mini 720p' to name a few.

For anyone else with this camera here is some random info I have found so far:

I found the RTSP streams at: 'rtsp://' and 'rtsp://' and 'rtsp://'

A port scan shows me that only ports 80, 8080 (web access), and 554 (rtsp) are open. Telnet is definitely not enabled on my version of this camera unlike earlier firmware version.

Some in depth info on how to gain access to the camera via TTL (note it is 3.3V not 5V!!):


When you gain access through TTL apparently the root password is xmhdipc

Some pics of the pinouts of the camera (the middle pic matches my board the closest).



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