How does Ring/Nest cam establish connection without port forwarding?


Pulling my weight
Aug 7, 2017
I've been trying to search on this and it is not clear.

My sister has Ring and I'm damn near positive none of them know how to set up port forwarding, let alone their router. So then how does the app on the phone know how to access the Ring/Nest cams?

A quick search reveals that Nest and Ring doesn't actually required inbound port forwarding. But it does talk to their servers. Somehow, using some method, they are able to establish a connection just by using outbound connection. So I'm assuming that Ring/Nest server is the authenticator. The iphone apps all connect to Ring/Nest servers, then it pairs up with their devices (matched by serial numbers), and then Nest/Ring "pulls" or forwards those feed coming outbound already, to the matched serial number user. Then, that's how they do it.

But then, that means that... Nest/Ring continuously has access to your feed 24/7.

Is my understanding correct?
It likely uses p2p (peer to peer) wherein either you scan a QR code or type in the camera's unique ID number. This process also sets up the cams to upload/download to the manufacturer's server(s).

But then, that means that... Nest/Ring continuously has access to your feed 24/7.

Is my understanding correct?

Yes. If their server is down, so are your cams.
Yes - you are correct. The camera "phones home" to their cloud and that's where the video is stored and or streamed to. When you connect with your app on your phone, you are connecting to their cloud service to view your feed.