How far to side of camera does IR illuminator need to be?


Pulling my weight
Dec 15, 2016
So I bought a couple of those Tendelux 80ft IR illuminators and hung one off a ladder just to see its effects. WOW.. I'm impressed. They say 80ft but the treeline 120 feet away is lit up quite well.

So here's my question.. My biggest problem is that the IR's on the camera are causing snow blindness whenever we have fog or snow coming down. The effect is absolutely amazing, it looks like a category 5 blizzard with 80mph winds in the camera view, but when you actually walk out side, its nothing but fog or a light snow.

So how far off to the side of the camera do the IR Illuminators need to be in order to get rid of the bounce back glare? Seems to me that a foot or two should do it, but I can go wider if wider is better.
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Most of mine are about a foot from the lens. I wish I could just post some screen but have had no snow lately. The most specific I can be from memory is that with internal IR in the snow, the image is useless. With the emitter about a foot away, the image isn't useless. The downside of moving the emitter further away is that the totally black shadows get bigger.
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I bought two of the tendelux IR4's.. My camera is about 12 feet up at the top of the peak where the roof is, I think I'm going to put one emitter on the left side of the house and one on the right.. they'll be about 4 feet below the camera and about 12 feet off to each side.

Did some experimenting with one of the lights last night and was impressed. It lit up the tree line on the far side of the driveway 120 feet away. Seems that the IR4's have about twice the output of the camera.
about 1 in 20 is what it takes to eliminate redeye (retro-reflective). of course, an eyeball or license plate at 20 ft is different form a snowflake at 1 ft, but it's the angles that are important...
I would not mind if some of y'all posted pic of your IR's relative to the cams.