How to Keep the Homeless Out of a Carport


Known around here
Aug 11, 2020
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When I read these stories I’m always somewhat conflicted. On one hand you have a nice area with families and businesses just trying to enjoy life.

Nobody wants to see a so called homeless person lying on the ground asleep, doing drugs, to shitting everywhere.

Then on the opposite side of the coin you have people who either have mental health issues.

Or have fallen in the endless pit of some kind of chemical which obviously impacts their ability to hold a job, make money, to everything else. :(

I’ve seen, experienced, and endured friends, family, to coworkers who have fallen in this dark pit.

The number of homeless Vets, Cops, to Social workers on the streets is staggering.

Who ever coined the phrase about people only two pay checks away from whatever was right.

I really wish everyone would provide the support and resources for their own people before giving away billions to others across the ocean.

Help ourselves first . . .:headbang: