How to mask the background without affecting the front view


May 26, 2022
My driveway camera is facing the driveway, however there is a public road behind it.
The view of the public road is about the top 20% of the camera view horizontally.
I used Agent's tools to filter the public road out.
However I realized that the system is cutting people's heads off as they walk towards the camera as their heads appear in the top 20% area of the camera view when they get closer.
Is there a way to address this problem. For example to filter out objects "cars" and "trucks" only in the selected area.
Without it my MQTT broker and my HA system is overwhelmed by constant flow of useless "alerts" and Agent keeps taking photos and movies that use precious storage and are useless.
Add AI into the mix, with DeepStack for example:

In BI, we can add the same camera twice, maybe you can do the same. One would be for "seeing" people in the area that you want, the second can filter for cars and people in the driveway.
I do have DeepStack. Question is how to selectively apply the filter so that I do not lose face recognition in the front just because the top 20% of the image is filtered out for the background public road.
I would use one copy of the camera without any filter and add person only to the list of objects you want, and use a high percentage/confidence detection for a person so that only when they are closer that it would ID as a person.

The second copy of the camera, filter out the public road and add car, truck, bike, etc. such that it's only looking at your driveway.

I assume by filter, you are not trying block recording stuff on the public street and/or your neighbors, as some countries forbid you from doing that.
Why mask a public road? Simply use motion and AI zones or camera AI (if the camera has it) to alert you and record for the items you want?
Unless you have a weird field of view, you can accomplish that without masking the road out. I do not mask it but only get what I want on the driveway. Just a matter of dialing in the zones in or the camera AI. Which camera is it?

It should be simply making a zone the visible area you see now and do not zone the masked area.

Post your field of view.
I would use one copy of the camera without any filter and add person only to the list of objects you want, and use a high percentage/confidence detection for a person so that only when they are closer that it would ID as a person.

The second copy of the camera, filter out the public road and add car, truck, bike, etc. such that it's only looking at your driveway.

I assume by filter, you are not trying block recording stuff on the public street and/or your neighbors, as some countries forbid you from doing that.
Thanks, this is a great idea actually. I’ll try it and ket everyone know how it went. The only concern that I have is that Agent is running on a tiny RPi 4 with only 1GB RAM. DeepStack however has it’s own RPi 4 with 8 GB of RAM. As far as this scenario doesn’t add extra load to DeepStack I’m only concerned about Agent.