I also have a camera that won't connect.

Oct 28, 2019
I read Woody70's post hoping to find some help for my issue but mine is slightly different. I also have a cheap Chinese camera that will not connect to BI, but I CAN connect through the camera's web interface.
The camera is a SV3C POE HX series and for a couple of days it performed very well... The image quality was great. It could ID and track people and animals, although I could not get it to trigger and record.

I'm not very experienced with BI, and I started changing settings to get the camera to trigger and record on motion. The end of the story is now the camera will not connect to BI through either the local or the web UI.
This camera does not have a ONVIF password.

Here are the setup actions before the failure:
1. I used SV3C software to discover the IP address of the new camera.
2. It came with the standard "admin - admin" UID and password. I immediately used the camera's web interface to change both. I also changed the IP address to static with this web interface.
3. I set up the camera in BI by entering the IP address and the NEW UID and password. It immediately connected to BI, but came up with a Foscam setup.
4. I've seen this before so I left it as it was. I then tested functions of the camera. All seemed fine except the PTZ did not return to a "Home" position after tracking movement and the camera never seemed to trigger or record.
5. I started reading the BI "Help Document" and making changes to try and achieve recording and at one point the camera failed to connect with no error message. It just shows an old scene and "No Signal".

The camera has the standard SV3C web UI, which still works fine with the new UID and password.

I understand I could just reinstall this camera and have it working again, but I would really like to know what I might have done wrong.

Has anyone seen this issue before? Are there a common changes that break the connection to BI?

Thanks for any help.
I am not aware of a common issue! I am presuming that the IP address is still correct and that you have the userid/password correct and you have used the find inspect button to configure the camera and it shows no errors when it completes.
Have you attempted to make a new BI camera that connects to the same IP to see if it will work and connect! Have you tried to reset the camera back to factory defaults in case you made an inadvertent setting change to the camera!
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Thank you for the response Bruce.

Yes, I have made a new BI camera connecting to the same IP and yes it does work.
I have made no new changes to the camera itself before it stopped connecting so I don't need to reset it.
This post is just picking the brains of more experienced camera users to hopefully learn what I did wrong by fooling around with the BI settings.

Thank you again for the quick response! :)