Good afternoon, I ask for your help. The camera has flashed firmware. on the local network is visible. Wifi is not visible, it does not connect. Processor Grain Media GM8135S flash 8m. PTZ camera of Chinese origin version 2.1, Onvif protocol, H.264, WIFI MT7601. I tried to flash through the programmer firmware gm came to life but does not connect with a router and a mobile phone, I also tried firmware gm behaves the same way. Settings are not served. Installed the firmware gm in the NVR registrar is visible, writing to the flash SD is written in * .av format, the wifi does not connect. The IPC_Test_Tool program sees it and allows it to flash, it can also be seen that the wifi sees devices in the program. Help restore the camera. I can't say what firmware was, the camera was bought in 2016. Sorry broken language, I use a translator.